Yan Man

Yan Man


Engineer first, entrepreneur second. Pursuing the intersection of impact and innovation. Driven by creative applications of technologies to new domains. A quantitative approach to problem solving. Adherence to lean methodology and its scientific underpinnings.

Conviction in the transformative nature of blockchain technology. Proponent of gamification as a means to drive behavior change. Passion for clean tech and accessible renewable energy.

Smart Contracts: led dApp and Solidity smart contract development (Quitly), architecting and implementing blockchain-based product features.

Software / Product: led development of web & mobile apps for utilities and energy companies serving 125k+ users (MeterGenius/Hero Power), harnessing smart meter energy data to help drive behavior change and improve grid efficiency.

    • MS, Mechanical Engineering - Northwestern University (2016)
    • MEng, Engineering Science - University of Oxford (2012)


Appraisr Dapp

Winner - Chainlink Spring 2022 Hackathon - Moralis Pooled Prize

Appraisr is a decentralized, verified ratings system that uses fungible tokens and NFTs to incentivize users to rate and review businesses, and vote on other reviews, in a trustless fashion. [Solidity, Hardhat, Moralis, React, JavaScript / TypeScript, ethers.js]

Lottery Dapp

Implementation of a decentralized lottery application, which allows creation and deployment of customizable lotteries; and user-initiated minting of lottery tickets. [Solidity, Hardhat, React, JavaScript / TypeScript, ethers.js]

Virtual Power Plant Dapp

Implementation of a decentralized virtual power plant. Powered by smart contracts governing fund deposits, energy-trading/arbitrage, and settlement in the form of investor dividends. [Solidity, Truffle, JavaScript, web3.js, React]


  • dApp Development
    Solidity, JavaScript/TypeScript, Hardhat, Truffle, Remix, Waffle

    ethers.js, Moralis, Infura, Alchemy, web3.js

  • Back End
    PHP (Model-View-Controller design), NodeJS

    Familiar - Python

  • Database
    MySQL, MariaDB, phpMyAdmin

    Familiar - MongoDB

  • Frameworks
    ReactJS, NextJS, ExpressJS, CakePHP
  • Testing
    CircleCI, Mocha, Chai, Waffle, PHPUnit, Bitbucket Pipelines

    Familiar - Jest, Selenium

© Yan Man 2022